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I am really excited to officially reveal and announce my brand new CD, which is entitled, ‘Carols From Before The Trenches’, which is the very first CD that I have ever planned, recorded and brought to life.

The new CD, ‘Carols From Before The Trenches’, features a wide variety of Christmas carols that were popular during the late Victorian and early Edwardian era that would have been well known to the men serving in The British Army during The First World War. Each Christmas carol has been specially arranged in four part harmony for the Euphonium for this new CD recording.

I feel very privileged that Tim Godden, who is an exceptionally talented artist, has created a specially commissioned piece of artwork that will be featured on the front cover of ‘Carols From Before The Trenches’.

If you would like to preorder a copy of ‘Carols From Before The Trenches’, then please get in touch with me via my music page which is located at the following link - Micah Dominic Parsons - Euphonium.

‘Carols From Before The Trenches’ - Micah Dominic Parsons

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